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Enjoy the journey and never stop growing. 


Kobi the Warrior and his Tribe are here to inspire you on your own Warrior's Journey.  Through their images and stories, discover the warrior inside and find your power! Whether you are a Master Warrior or just beginning your Warrior's Journey,  we have a companion just for you!


The Warrior's Journey

The road to becoming a warrior is not easy.  Students must focus on training the mind, body, and spirit.  Warriors continually strive to cultivate important virtues such as self control, perseverance, and gratitude.  Bo and his sister Buddeleia are both warriors-in-training.  Buddeleia is further along in her studies.   Little Bo is trying hard to master meditation but sometimes has trouble staying awake.


the beginning

Long ago there was an epic battle between the forces of good and evil.  The Last Warrior defeated his enemy but also perished.   His essence was scattered in the ocean where it was collected by The Ancient Moon Snail.  She guarded these magical bubbles until the time was right for the warriors to rise again. 



When the Warriors have identified a recruit, a ceremony is performed.  At the time of a full moon, Iopa comes on shore to present a bubble to each trainee.  The bubble contains the essence of The Last Warrior.  As the bubble pops, the magical properties are inhaled.  The potential of each person is unlocked; the journey into warriorhood begins.


the Battle Cry

"Aiya Saigua!" is the warriors' battle cry, pronounced Ī-yah Sī-gwah.  It is also the name of the company who creates Kobi and his tribe of warriors.



The unique designs on the warriors' faces indicate a progression in their training.   As the students develop, their tattoos emerge from the power of The Last Warrior's essence.  Facial colors, which reflect mood and circumstance, may change as the student develops into a full-fledged warrior.  


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