Kobi Rocks!

Part of the fun of moving to someplace new is getting acquainted with the community and exploring the area.  One of the things my family and I have discovered in Pueblo is a vibrant community of rock artists.


People of all ages decorate small rocks and then hide them around town for others to find.  It is a great way to put a smile on someone’s face and spread some kindness and cheer.  Interestingly, it all started in Massachusetts with the Kindness Rocks Project.  Having lived in Boston for many years, I love that the movement has spread throughout the country.


Being a new start up, finding creative ways to give back to the community is essential to me.  So, I have been decorating rocks with images of Kobi and his Tribe and have started hiding them up and down the Front Range of Colorado.  Even my boys have gotten involved, making it a fun activity for all of us.


My hope is that when people find one of my rocks it puts a smile on their face.  And if they decide to keep the rock rather than re-hide it, they will have a warrior companion to help them through tough times and remind them to be true to their own warrior’s journey.


As Aiya Saigua grows, we pledge to continue making a positive impact on the lives of others.